Why An Ultrasound is an Important Part of Your Decision Making

Finding out you are pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, especially if being pregnant is the last thing you want to be. You may feel like your life is spinning out of control when you see those two lines or a plus sign on the pregnancy test. You may ask yourself, “How can this happen?” “Didn’t I just have my period?”

If you are considering abortion as an option, you may think, “I need to take care of this immediately. I don’t want anyone to find out I’m pregnant”; however, there are important reasons; for your health and safety, you need to have your pregnancy confirmed by a medical professional and obtain an ultrasound before you make ANY decision.

Let’s start with a pregnancy test. Medical clinics, like Pathway Health Clinic, use medical-grade pregnancy tests. Those tests are checked daily to ensure they have not expired, and every new box undergoes a control test to ensure the tests are accurate. Although buying a pregnancy test over the counter is common, you don’t know how long that test has been sitting on the shelf and if it’s still accurate. At Pathway Health Clinic, only licensed medical professionals administer and read the pregnancy tests. Sometimes a pregnancy test can show a very faint positive, which may be hard to see. There can be many reasons for this, and a medical professional will cover this with you. Additionally, pregnancy tests left sitting too long while testing can provide unreliable results. Our medical professionals are trained to deal with all of these scenarios.

Let’s move on to the importance of ultrasound. There are three critical reasons that it is in YOUR best interest to have an ultrasound before making ANY decision.

  1. Only an ultrasound can give you accurate dating for your pregnancy. An ultrasound determines how far along your pregnancy is. If you are considering abortion as an option, you need to know this information. RU486, the abortion pill, is only approved for use up to 10 weeks (72 days) gestation. If you are past that date and still considering abortion, you will have to undergo a surgical abortion.
  2. Only an ultrasound will show if your pregnancy is located in the uterus. Sometimes a pregnancy can implant in the fallopian tube, which is called a tubal ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy requires immediate medical attention due to the risk of the fallopian tube rupturing and causing internal bleeding[1].
  3. An ultrasound will show if there is viability (a heartbeat). Approximately 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage[2]. Many miscarriages occur before someone knows that they are pregnant. Depending on when the miscarriage happened, a pregnancy test will still show a positive. Ultrasound will reveal if there is a heartbeat. If you are considering abortion, and it appears you are going to miscarry, at that point, an abortion is not necessary. If we at Pathway, based on ultrasound findings, suspect a miscarriage; we will provide you with miscarriage precautions and advise you to seek medical attention.  

We get it; an unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming, scary, and emotional. However, the patient care team at Pathway Health Clinic believes that YOUR health and safety are essential and that YOU deserve the most accurate information you can receive.

We believe you are smart and can make your own decisions, we want to give you all the information you need in that decision making process.

Our pregnancy services are always at no cost because your present finances should never get in the way of obtaining medical care.

*Pathway Health Clinic neither refers nor provides abortion services

[1] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ectopic-pregnancy/symptoms-causes/syc-20372088

[2] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pregnancy-loss-miscarriage/symptoms-causes/syc-20354298#:~:text=About%2010%20to%2020%20percent,even%20know%20about%20a%20pregnancy.

Four Tips When Looking for an Abortion in Vista, California

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by a lot of emotions, including negative ones. These initial negative emotions are common for all women, including women planning to become pregnant. We want you to know you are not alone.

Often due to your relationship status, or lack thereof, finances, career, or simply bad timing, you feel unsupported or unable to achieve your goals and be pregnant, which is why you may find yourself searching for abortion options in California.

Before you make an abortion decision, we want to encourage you to seek out these four abortion tips:

  • Get testing done:

Before you book an abortion appointment, it’s essential to confirm your pregnancy with a pregnancy test and ultrasound. An ultrasound will confirm that the pregnancy is located within the uterus, detect a heartbeat, and determine the gestational age of your pregnancy. You will need to know how far along you are if you’re considering abortion because abortion types are determined by how far along you are in your pregnancy.

  • Talk to a medical professional:

Talking through a procedure with a medical professional who has your best interest in mind is always a good idea. Having answers to what the procedure will be like, the risks, and how long the recovery process matters because this is your health, and your health is essential! In addition, understanding what happens during an abortion will help you make an informed decision. 

  • Check the clinics in your area:

It’s always a good idea to do a clinic check before you make an appointment. It’s smart to look at the reviews and research any issues they may have had recently.

  • Get affordable care:

Where can you find affordable care? Why not come to Pathway Health Clinic? All of our services are at no cost and confidential. Additionally, we can do a pre-abortion screening in which you will get a pregnancy test and ultrasound (if you’re far enough along), as well as be able to speak with a nurse and a trained staff member to discuss all your options. Although we do not refer or provide abortions, we can help you figure out your next best step.

You don’t have to walk this journey alone; we are here for you. At Pathway Health Clinic, YOU MATTER. Call 760.945.4673 to make your appointment today.

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy in College

An unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming especially when it happens in college. Even though it may feel like it, your life is not over. You are not alone and you have options available.  It may not be the exact path that you thought you would follow, but everyday life and responsibilities do carry on. You can still finish your college degree.

One of the biggest fears for women in college is exposing this unplanned pregnancy to their friends and family. Additionally, not being able to continue their college education. 

What are my pregnancy options?

Pregnancy options are what you ultimately choose to do with your pregnancy when you are not pregnant anymore, or decide that you no longer want to be pregnant. Every pregnant woman has three pregnancy options- in alphabetical order- they are abortion, adoption, and parenting.

But what do each of those options mean?

Abortion- abortion is an option to end the pregnancy. You can have a medical abortion or a surgical abortion.

Adoption- Placing for adoption means that the baby will be born, but it will not be raised by its biological parents. You can have an open adoption, a semi-open adoption, or closed adoption.

Parenting- Parenting means that the baby will be born, and the biological parents will also raise the child.

While these options may seem simple, they are complex and oftentimes emotionally difficult.

There are community resources outside your college campus that can help provide no-cost pregnancy testing and are 100% confidential.  At Pathway Health Clinic, we respect your privacy and do not report your visit to anyone unless you have provided us with written consent and authorization. All our Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals can help you explore all your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way.

To make an appointment, call us at 760-945-4673. If you are in a crisis, you can text our 24/7 crisis text line at 760-208-8811 and an advocate will respond. We are here to help.

You asked, We answered Vista!

Your unplanned pregnancy might have you nervous and not knowing what to expect. While you are figuring out your pregnancy options, and possibly putting an abortion plan together you can schedule an appointment for a NO COST pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options with our licensed medical professionals. The information below can help you by answering some of the most frequently asked questions, women, like you have been searching about in the North County San Diego area.

  • Will Pathway Health Clinic tell anyone that I came in for a pregnancy test or information about abortion in California?

We are here for YOU. You do not have to worry about anyone finding out what options you are considering when you make an appointment with us. When you are here your privacy is protected and everything you share with us is completely confidential. Our staff will accommodate your specific needs for privacy and communication from the moment you contact us. We will never call, text, or email you anything without your consent.

  • I’m a minor- do I need to have an adult or parent with me if I am considering abortion in  California?

At your appointment, you do NOT need to have an adult, parent, or guardian with you. Again, we are here for YOU. We are able to get you the information you need to assess the situation, make an informed decision, and decide your next steps. However, of course, you can bring someone with you to your appointment if that makes you more comfortable! Even if you are a minor we are still able to offer you a NO COST pregnancy test. At your appointment, you can talk to a licensed medical professional about your pregnancy options- including abortion. We can even accommodate your school schedule if you are a student, so please let us know when making an appointment. We are a safe place for you to gather all the information for your specific situation, so our staff will never pressure you into any decision regarding your pregnancy or abortion.

  • Will appointments show up on insurance paperwork that comes in the mail or email?

Our best asset, next to the compassionate and high-quality care we offer, is that all of our services are NO COST to you- meaning we don’t collect insurance information at all. Because of generous supporters in Vista, you have access to medical professionals that are here to help you navigate pregnancy and abortion decisions. We will never contact you without your consent.

We are here for YOU! So, what are you waiting for? You don’t have to do this alone. Our pro-woman services are for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy who is considering abortion in the North County San Diego area. To have more of your questions answered, make an appointment or call us at 760-945-4673. We are here to help.

Unplanned Pregnancy, Now what?

Your unplanned pregnancy might have you nervous and not knowing what to expect. While you are figuring out your pregnancy options, and possibly putting an abortion plan together you can schedule an appointment for a NO COST pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options with our licensed medical professionals. The information below can help you by answering some of the most frequently asked questions, women, like you have been searching about in the North County San Diego area.

  • Will Pathway Health Clinic tell anyone that I came in for a pregnancy test or information about abortion in California?

We are here for YOU. You do not have to worry about anyone finding out what options you are considering when you make an appointment with us. When you are here your privacy is protected and everything you share with us is completely confidential. Our staff will accommodate your specific needs for privacy and communication from the moment you contact us. We will never call, text, or email you anything without your consent.

  • I’m a minor- do I need to have an adult or parent with me if I am considering abortion in  California?

At your appointment, you do NOT need to have an adult, parent, or guardian with you. Again, we are here for YOU. We are able to get you the information you need to assess the situation, make an informed decision, and decide your next steps. However, of course, you can bring someone with you to your appointment if that makes you more comfortable! Even if you are a minor we are still able to offer you a NO COST pregnancy test. At your appointment, you can talk to a licensed medical professional about your pregnancy options- including abortion. We can even accommodate your school schedule if you are a student, so please let us know when making an appointment. We are a safe place for you to gather all the information for your specific situation, so our staff will never pressure you into any decision regarding your pregnancy or abortion.

  • Will appointments show up on insurance paperwork that comes in the mail or email?

Our best asset, next to the compassionate and high-quality care we offer, is that all of our services are NO COST to you- meaning we don’t collect insurance information at all. Because of generous supporters in Vista, you have access to medical professionals that are here to help you navigate pregnancy and abortion decisions. We will never contact you without your consent.

We are here for YOU! So, what are you waiting for? You don’t have to do this alone. Our pro-woman services are for every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy who is considering abortion in the North County San Diego area. To have more of your questions answered, make an appointment or call us at 760-945-4673. We are here to help.

Is Pathway Health Clinic right for you?

  • You’re pregnant and simply don’t want to be. 

If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and looking for options in Vista, CA, there are definitely some steps you want to take to ensure you have the best plan for you. At Pathway Health Clinic we can help discuss your options in a safe environment.

  • You don’t want anything to show up on your insurance statement about your pregnancy.  

Many women ask, “Will abortion show up on my insurance?” They’re worried about something showing up in the mail that might tip their parents off to their unplanned pregnancy. Because all of our services are free, you’ll never have to worry about insurance even knowing you came to see us. 

  • You need a private place in Vista to discuss the abortion pill without any pressure or bias. 

We can talk through those details with you at your appointment with our licensed medical staff so you can know exactly what you can expect in the days that lead up to and following taking the abortion pill.  

If you have additional questions about your options, we encourage you to explore the “Options Education” tab on our website or call us to make an appointment to discuss your options. At Pathway Health Clinic, we have Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals who can help you explore all of your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way.

To make an appointment, call us at 760-945-4673. If you are in a crisis, you can text our 24/7 crisis text line at 760-208-8811 and an advocate will respond. We are here to help.

Pregnancy Myths in the Military

Upon joining a branch of service or marrying into the military, moving away from all your friends and family is always a huge adjustment. So, what happens when you or someone close to you think you may be pregnant?

One of the first things we do when we are faced with any situation is we turn to the internet to research what to do next. The internet can provide us with a ton of helpful information but it can also lead us to read into the myths of the dark web and cause unnecessary anxiety in our thoughts. 

So what are the most common myths related to pregnancy and the military?

Pregnancy Myth 1: Military life is incompatible with having a family:

This is a false statement. The military is a very family-oriented organization. From battalion family fun days to community housing events; the military focuses on the families of those who serve. According to the Department of Defense, 52% of the military is made up of families, married or single and raising children, which is 4 % higher than the national average 48%.

Pregnancy Myth 2: You get penalized if you get pregnant:

This statement is false. Just like if you were working in the civilian workplace, their are certain rules to follow in the workplace to maintain a safe and healthy pregnancy. The military puts you on light duty after you reach a certain point in your pregnancy. The military has amazing groups such as Baby Boot Camp. In this program the Navy Relief Society helps parents budget for baby, learn basic child safety and give out baskets full of newborn goodies. Your command will usually allow you or your spouse to take time off of work to attend these life skill classes.

Pregnancy Myth 3: Once I have my baby I have to return right back to Active Duty!

This statement is false. According to the Department of Defense, military women have better maternity leave options than civilian working moms. The DOD policy is the military women get 12 weeks of paid maternity leave. However, each branch of service has additional leave which can be up to 20 weeks of paid leave. The civilian law (Family Medical Leave Act) provides for up to 12 weeks for employers to allow their female employees during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Myth 4: My spouse will not receive paternity leave.

This statement is also false. Married fathers on active duty can get up to 10 days of paternity leave. The father must take those within 60 days of the child’s birth.

  If you think you or someone you know are pregnant, there are community resources outside Camp Pendleton that can help provide no-cost pregnancy testing and are 100% confidential.  At Pathway Health Clinic, we respect your privacy. We do not report your visit to command or Tricare unless you have provided us with written consent and authorization. All our Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals can help you explore all your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way.

To make an appointment, call us at 760-945-4673. If you are in a crisis, you can text our 24/7 crisis text line at 760-208-8811 and an advocate will respond. We are here to help.

I am in College, What Are My Pregnancy Options?

Being a college student comes with a lot of responsibilities and can sometimes be stressful. What happens if in addition to college responsibilities you find out you may be pregnant?  

There are so many factors to consider. Each person’s circumstances are extremely personal to their situation. One thing every woman who is pregnant has in common is pregnancy options.

What are my pregnancy options?

Pregnancy options are what you ultimately choose to do with your pregnancy when you are not pregnant anymore, or decide that you no longer want to be pregnant. Every pregnant woman has three pregnancy options- in alphabetical order- they are abortion, adoption, and parenting. 

But what do each of those options mean?

Abortion- abortion is an option to end the pregnancy. You can have a medical abortion or a surgical abortion.

Adoption- Placing for adoption means that the baby will be born, but it will not be raised by its biological parents. You can have an open adoption, a semi-open adoption, or closed adoption.

Parenting- Parenting means that the baby will be born, and the biological parents will also raise the child. 

While these options may seem simple, they are complex and oftentimes emotionally difficult. 

If you have additional questions about your options, we encourage you to explore the “Options Education” tab on our website or call us to make an appointment to discuss your options. At Pathway Health Clinic, we have Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals who can help you explore all of your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way. 

To make an appointment, call us at 760-945-4673 or walk-in during clinic hours. If you are in a crisis, you can text our 24/7 crisis text line at 760-208-8811 and an advocate will respond. We are here to help.

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy in the Military

Joining a branch in the United States Military is very rewarding especially when you are straight out of high school and experiencing being on your own for the first time. Once you have completed the training required you have the privilege to become apart of a family that will last a lifetime. During your time on active duty, you will be apart of your family members lives which include weddings, promotions, and celebrating births within your family.

So, what happens when you or someone close to you think you may be pregnant?

According to a military blog, women in the military still report higher rates of unplanned pregnancy than their civilian peers. Is this a bad thing? Not at all, it just means we need to educate ourselves on being pregnant in the military. According to Ibis Reproductive Health’s analysis of Department of Defense data, about 11 percent of active-duty military women reported an unintended pregnancy in 2008. While 7 percent reported an unintended pregnancy in 2011—in both years, this was far more than the general population.

One of the biggest fears for military women is exposing this unplanned pregnancy to their chain of command. Because we risk being non-deployable or non-promotable. In these cases, there are community resources outside Camp Pendleton. Places that can help provide no-cost pregnancy testing and are 100% confidential.  At Pathway Health Clinic, we respect your privacy and do not report your visit to command or Tricare. Unless you have provided us with written consent and authorization. All our Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals can help you explore all your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way.

To make an appointment, call us at 760-945-4673 or walk-in during clinic hours. If you are in a crisis, you can text our 24/7 crisis text line at 760-208-8811. An advocate will respond. We are here to help you.

Helping With Your “What If” Mindset

We as women tend to carry a lot of weight on our shoulders. Sometimes, we have a hard time reaching out for help or just talk to someone.  It doesn’t matter what age you are, we can all relate to this feeling at least once in our lives. We replay situations and conversations and can usually imagine at least 3 or more different scenarios’ of how it “could have been” or asking “what if?”.  Have you done this before? 

What if right now your current weight on your shoulders is an unplanned pregnancy? When we are overwhelmed our minds tend to start overthinking situations when we are overwhelmed. This makes it very difficult to come up with the best option for ourselves.

At Pathway Health Clinic in Vista, California, we offer you a safe place to discuss your unplanned pregnancy options with free services that include all of the pregnancy tests and ultrasounds needed to make an informed decision on your unplanned pregnancy. When you are here your privacy we protect your privacy and everything you share with us is completely confidential. Our staff will accommodate your specific needs for privacy and communication from the moment you contact us. We will never call, text, or email you anything without your consent. All our Advocates and Licensed Medical Professionals can help you explore all your options in a safe, confidential, judgment-free way.

To schedule an appointment, call our office at 760.945.4673 or schedule an appointment online today.

Pathway Health Clinic will continue to monitor and refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and our local public health agency to determine the safest course of action for our staff and patients.

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